This is a suggestion/idea to add an LCS API for database restore that supports Tier1 to Tier2 restore. There is already an API available to restore from Tier2 to Tier2 (https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/dynamics365/fin-ops-core/dev-itpro/database/api/v1/reference-create-refresh?source=recommendations)

My current scenario:

At the beginning of a new project / customer, we start by creating several tier 1 environments. One of those is a Migration environment. This environment is used to transfer the customer their current data from their old system into the new D365 system. At some point we want to move this data up, closer towards production. This can be for UAT on an Accept environment or maybe for performance testing. 

This is not a one-time thing, especially when the project is still new, this T1 to T2 process may need to be executed several times to be able to test with new data on Accept or Perf.

After the project is live (data on Prod), this T1 to T2 process doesn't usually happen anymore, but to get a project started in an efficient way.

According to MS support this API can't support T1 to T2 restore "since the LCS process overwrites the AxDB of the environment and further information. To add to this Tier 2+ environments are managed by Microsoft and therefore to secure them and avoid a data breach, we do not share credentials of these environments."

 I guess what we’re looking for is a solution to add a bacpac URL from the asset library as a property. 

Category: Data Management