We find that users are spending a lot of time searching (read keystrokes & typing) within the system, while we know that they can bookmark favorites, they don't always want to add these to their role center, and to have to then navigate to the role center to use the function, more often they are in a transaction and want to get more information (but not necessarily to a linked record). But we find they are often searching for the same things such as reports, or master records, and lists.
When the tell me function is invoked it would be helpful if they could click a link to the last 10 (or system defined number of) actions that they have executed.
Another way that this could work is to make the bookmark multi-functional - allow the user to bookmark in the tell me function (and have the item displayed there) - or provide a convenient way to pop-up the things they have bookmarked across the system
Here you go :-) Its free!DYCE Record History & Favourites
Category: Development
Business Central Team (administrator)
Thank you for this suggestion! Currently this is not on our roadmap. We are tracking this idea and if it gathers more votes and comments we will consider it in the future. Best regards, Business Central Team