Attachments added to the PO disappear when generating the invoice (not directly visible).

When making a purchase order and adding an attachment, one does not see it during the invoice process. He only sees it in the vendor transactions.

The issue here would be that two different persons with two different positions are working on this process (one making the po, the other making the invoicing) but then does not see any files that were previously attached. It is only possible to see it at the end with the vendor transactions, so people could add twice the same file or miss some information basically. the attachments should simply be following from the purchase order to the invoice.

Repro steps:
1. create a purchase order, add an attachment (on the header)
2. confirm, receipt it
3. before invoicing add an attachment (you see it only shows 0)
4. invoice it
5. go the vendor transactions, you see it twice

Needs Votes


I do understand that Purchase invoice records might getting duplicate attachments if one user attaches a document to the purchase order header, and then another user attaches a document when generating the purchase order invoice( same document or not).
The user who is invoicing the purchase order might want to see any documents that are attached to the Purchase order he/she is about to invoice, and therefore expects the Attachment to be visible in the Invoicing posting form.

The process can be:
1. User 1 creates purchase order and attaches some document that is important when purchase invoice is posted.
2. Purchase order is confirmed and received, and is ready to be invoiced.
3. User 2 receives the Invoice from the vendor, and tries to post the invoice. There might be some information on the invoice that needs to be attached to the final invoice in D365fFO. So he or she scans this information, and attaches it in the Invoice posting form, and then continues with posting the invoice.
4. Now the invoice is posted, and the invoice shows 2 attachments, one added by user 1, and one from user 2. They could be the same documents in fact, or attachment 1 may have included some information which was important for user 2 when he invoiced the purchase order.

Category: Accounts Payable