In our project a x% of emails are sent encrypted by public authorities.

We do not use Outlook client and the emails are routed directly to CRM as email activities. We then figured out that any encrypted email lands as an email activity with an attachment (.p7m). It is not possible to open/read this attachment, even by a user who has the PKI certificate installed on their local machine. Earlier when the emails were received in Outlook directly, they could open the encrypted emails.

We raised a support ticket with Microsoft and the official reply was that
"Using CRM email router or Server side sync it�s not possible to handle encrypted emails.

We don�t have a way to load the public key from the certificate used for the encryption and for that reason CRM will not be able to do more than extract the smime.p7m attachment

I think that handling PKI encrypted email should be considered as a thought in future releases since encryption and privacy issues are only going to increase in fast moving digital times.

Needs Votes



I agree with the previous comments. It would simplify our work enormously. 

Category: Microsoft Office Integration


I do support this request due to the fact that signed emails are standard in our days.Please implement.

Category: Microsoft Office Integration


Please implement this, this is would be highly appreciated by our Organisation

Category: Microsoft Office Integration


I do support this request due to the fact that signed emails are standard in our days. Please implement.

Category: Microsoft Office Integration


I can only second Pavels comment and the initial request. We are seeing this for a lot of our customers and signed E-Mails will only become more widely used. Yes, those that are only signed right now atleast show the text, but the attachments are only shown in a .p7m file and we have not found any way to open these (the tool "s/mime reader" referenced here does not work... :( Track S/S/MIME signed emails using App for Outlook (Dynamics 365 apps) | Microsoft Docs)

Category: Microsoft Office Integration


Since we often get requests from various public authorities who use mostly use digitaly signed emails a handling of encryted mails within CRM would be highly appreciated.

Category: Microsoft Office Integration