Allow users to configure a personalized menu for his or her daily needs
My biggest bug bear right now is adding contextual intelligence to the menu. i.e. What are you likely to do next. What can you actually do? i.e. don't show an action if it can't be executed. Highlight an action if it is the what you are supposed to do next.
Category: General
Hi, I was imagining a solution that you could pin the actions that you need from the menus on different pages, and also allow moving them and unpinning them. And this menu should be shown every time you open the page. And if you need some other ones you can open the menu the you get now. But once you pin the "standard" menu then your personalised pinned menu could be hidden.
I don't really know if this existing idea is the same as what i'm describing.
Category: General
Business Central Team (administrator) on 5/17/2022 1:19:43 PM