Either improve Account Schedules with more functionality such as dynamics column headings, more options for formatting, more options with layouts or introduce a new Financial Report Writer that will allow end users to create professional financial type reporting.
Needs Votes
Ideas Administrator

Thank you for your feedback. Currently this is not in our roadmap; however, we are tracking it and if we get more feedback and votes, we may consider it in the future. Sincerely, Business Central Team



We have a lot customer convert from GP to BC. GP's management reporter is very easy to use. But in BC they have to consider JetReport (with extra cost) or PowerBI (need developer help them), majority we can use Financial Report (Prior NAV's Account schedule) to build. But formula in BC/NAV is really not user friendly. Also, many function with MR (such as add Vendor ID/Customer ID into drill down detail, or group by vendor ID for expense, group by customer ID for sales etc.) can't do with BC Financial report.Hope Microsoft can get MR work with BC (Similar as FO or prior GP). Or improve Financial report function.

Category: Financial Management


We sell a LOT of Jet Reports and Power BI with every instance of Business Central, but still have numerous customers that don't understand why they can't have a robust financial reporting tool within Dynamics itself, with the following capabilities:Dynamic Column Headings and "pretty" formatting so that when exported to excel (or viewed within BC) requires no manual intervention on behalf of the user to reformat the reportAbility to provide Company logo for standard export to excel (preferably refreshable from BC)Annotations for a "snapshot" closed financial period (ie: month, quarter, annual) whereby the end user can go back to look at notes on certain columns/rows for certain periods that explain the financial resultsIt would be great if MS can further enhance the "Account Schedules/Financial Reports" module with the above features to encourage customers to "live within BC" vs purchasing 3rd party apps for Financial Reporting.

Category: Financial Management


I agree with the poster, and not the solution to be using Jet Reports. I am not looking to go outside of the product and if I am, I would still prefer it to be a Microsoft Product that literally ties in.

Category: Financial Management


Hi Ben, I just saw your suggestion. Have a look at Jet Reports which is a large ISV solution for NAV/BC and built straight into Microsoft Excel. This will solve all of the challenges that you have described here. Also with the added benefit that you can report on multiple companies at the same time and easily perform consolidations.

Category: Financial Management