KB 4010426 added the ability to rate route plan with change management enabled - previously, you would receive error:

“Change to the document are only allowed in state Draft, because Change management is activated.”

You can now rate after installing the KB, however, you cannot have charges flow back to the PO ("Add Transportation Charges to orders") with change management enabled.  The same error occurs.

This has been determined to be a feature gap that requires a design change.  Please vote up if this is something that your business needs.

Needs Votes



This is an issue for our implementations as well - transportation charges shouldn't have the conflict with PO change management.

Category: Transportation Management


This is extremely important for us. We are in an implementation and will use TMS but we are loosing control on POs.

Category: Transportation Management


We wont be able to use transporation management in many scenarios and projects with this restriction, the transporation charges, in most instances will not impact on the supplier element of the order, it is more costing and application, therefore having the supplier in the loop to reapprove and have to re-confirm because you have added transportation costs makes little sense in most circumstances.

Category: Transportation Management


A must have

Category: Transportation Management


That's bad, our current project has this requirement. We won't be able to use the transportation management module for inbound loads.

Category: Transportation Management