In the 'Release approved purchase requisition' form all purchase requisitions that requires manual release to purchase orders are listed. When selecting a purchase requisition and clicking 'Create new purchase order' an action messages is created saying "Automatic purchase creation Vendor account: ABC123456 Purchase order 12345678 has been created.

However, if you close this message there is no functionality to track previously created purchase orders from requisitions in the form. In that case you have to go the all purchase orders forms and search for newly created purchase orders. It would be more efficient if there was a list function on the 'Release approved purchase requisition' form that could display a list of all previous released purchase requisition.
Similar to the 'Firming history' list when firming a planned purchase order. This would help the buyer to easy track purchase orders created from requisitions and in case the close the action message by mistake, they can go to the list to find it.
Needs Votes
Ideas Administrator

Thank you very much for your input. We do not have any plans to extend this capability, we will however continue to monitor how much in demand such a capability is.