Area: System administration > Users > Users
The form for Assign organizations to User's roles is difficult to work with and should be improved.
* The sort order for Available organization nodes seems to be by set up date. Should be sorted by Legal entity code or name. Preferably the administrator should be able to sort the list as wanted.
* Grant access needs to be made individually for each legal entity. Should be possible to multi select legal entities and grant access to all selected.
* Overview of legal entities that are already granted is placed at bottom of the form. The form should be divided into two columns with granted legal entities placed in right column.
* Buttons Grant with children/Grant/Revoke are placed at the bottom of the form. Should be moved to the top or between the columns if the form is divided to the bullet above.
The form for Assign organizations to User's roles is difficult to work with and should be improved.
* The sort order for Available organization nodes seems to be by set up date. Should be sorted by Legal entity code or name. Preferably the administrator should be able to sort the list as wanted.
* Grant access needs to be made individually for each legal entity. Should be possible to multi select legal entities and grant access to all selected.
* Overview of legal entities that are already granted is placed at bottom of the form. The form should be divided into two columns with granted legal entities placed in right column.
* Buttons Grant with children/Grant/Revoke are placed at the bottom of the form. Should be moved to the top or between the columns if the form is divided to the bullet above.
Needs Votes