Today we need to create an External procedure on every page, like [External] PROCEDURE ADVSetSelectionFilter@10008900(VAR SalesInvoiceHeader@10008900 : Record 112); BEGIN CurrPage.SETSELECTIONFILTER(SalesInvoiceHeader); END; This should be built in to every page similar to the GETRECORD function. We should be able to do IF SalesInvoices.RUNMODAL = ACTION::LookupOK THEN BEGIN SalesInvoices.GETSELECTIONFILTER(SalesInv); SalesInv.FINDSET; REPEAT AddToQueueType(SalesInv,SetQueueType,FALSE); UNTIL SalesInv.NEXT = 0; END; Where SalesInvoices is Page 143 and SalesInv is Record 112

Category: Development
Under Review
Ideas Administrator

Thank you for your feedback. We are considering adding it to our longer term roadmap.

Your help is greatly appreciated,
Business Central Team



I think this is already possible with Business Central in AL.

Category: Development


Excellent Idea, in addition there also should be a similar SETSELECTIONFILTER that can be called on the page externally.

Category: Development