When sending output documents per e-mail, it is possible to define a subject of the e-mail, but not to define the body. Sending out output documents like purchase orders and sales order confirmations is still very common, but currently we have to send out an empty e-mail, which is often ignored by the recipients or seen as SPAM.

It would be great if we can apply e-mail templates when sending output documents, and influence the output to the body by using variables from the output document, like document numbers, names, addresses and so on.

Under Review



Completely agree, most of my projects ask about this. I'm surprised this hasn't been introduced before! Currently some customers use third party tools so seems like a huge oversight from MS. I would go as far to say that the email templates should have a built in HTML editor - as was the case in AX2012. Why they decided to remove that is beyond me because now I have to learn HTML so I can create the template that I want using that language.

Category: Reporting and Analytics