When using Word templates for quote, invoice etc. there is small issue with address and contacts.
If you have selected "sell-to" contact person, this contact persons name is displayed under "CustomerAddress2" field but if you dont select specific contact it messes up info on template, as "CustomerAddress2" will display now street address.
Best fix would be to have dedicated fields for invoice to customer name, phone, email and also ship-to (as its important to have contact details on these documents for several reasons).
When using Word templates for quote, invoice etc. there is small issue with address and contacts.
If you have selected "sell-to" contact person, this contact persons name is displayed under "CustomerAddress2" field but if you dont select specific contact it messes up info on template, as "CustomerAddress2" will display now street address.
Best fix would be to have dedicated fields for invoice to customer name, phone, email and also ship-to (as its important to have contact details on these documents for several reasons).
Is this a bug?
Category: Reports and Business Intelligence
Business Central Team (administrator)
Thank you for reaching out. Your suggestion seems to be a product bug. Please reach out to the relevant support channels as specified in Product Support.