In our company we have many people using Dynamics 365 creating Segments, Marketing Mails, Customer Journeys, etc. We are using it now for half a year and it is already very full and confusing to find your material (also pictures). It would be very helpful to have the chance to create folders to have a more clear layout and overview. Keywords in the Marketing Mail Editor for the pictures does not help a lot because we have in general really much different content as we are a global company and several Marketing Units and Business Units are working within this tool. It is really hard to find your material, pictures, etc. The Views you can create and also the Keywords you can add does not help a lot.
Category: General
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Agreed, the search function is fine. However, we have different branches of the company creating emails with the similar email titles for each branch. If we could have folders to separate the branches emails apart and then subfolders to help separate further it minimizes the errors and search time.
Previously we had been using Constant Contact and you can create folders there so it is something we are already very used to having as a feature.

Category: General