While working with bank reconciliation worksheet, there is a possibility to mark transactions from the bank statement as new. This is typically fees, charges and interest that's supposed to be posted in Operations. As the functionality is today, posting of this new transactions into Operations general ledger (and bank account transactions) must be done from each bank statement where the new transactions is included. Fees, charges and interest can in worst case be appearing every bankday, so this is very timeconsuming when you have one bank statement a day on 100'ds of bankaccounts. It will be more effective if one can set the bank transaction code, ledger account etc directly in the reconciliation worksheet. Posting can then be done in context of marking the worksheet as reconciled.
Please don't forget about an ability to specify default financial dimensions for posing - currently you can only map a GL account to transaction type. This was done on a client and worked well for them. Post button was directly on the bank reconciliation journal header which made it easy to post all new transactions. Also I suggest to allow to specify GL during reconciliation process on the Worksheet page in case mapping is missing for a new type of transaction.There was already another suggestion to address the issue with the posting date which should by value date from the statement. With these few fixes the bank rec module will be usable! Proven on a client.
Category: Cash and bank management
Administrator on 10/12/2023 7:57:05 AM
This feature is delivered in 10.0.36.