Add a note feature to the step slides.

When using a guide, Authors, Reviewers, Approvers and Users may have a comment/idea on something that can be changed.

A note feature will enable information such as:
What does this mean?
Step is out of order
Step is not clear
Add an image here
Image here is wrong or blurry

When creating a guide as an author, ideas pop up such as (add a better image, add copy of a print) that we do not what to stop and have to go and find. This would slow down the creation process. After the base guide is created, the author can go and get the images, prints, etc. and then add them where they placed a note. Currently an author (me) has to write a note to self in using something like OneNote to go back and add something to the guid.e

Also, when the guide goes through multiple reviewer/approvers each can add their comments and see other comments. Improving and adding to the quality of the guide before it even gets released.

A report can be generated of comments/suggestions and the author can then make changes if needed to improve the guide before it is released for actual use.

End users can also add comments when they are using it which can be sent in a report to the author after completing the guide who can use the input to improve the guide further.

Currently the only way this feedback can be communicated is via emails, meetings, etc. especially when the guide has to go around the world to different individuals.
Category: General
Needs Votes