
Currently, we came across the fact, that after Proactive Quality Updates have been deployed, there will be automatically activated features marked as "on by default".

We think, that this is not good, because it increases the manual costs of configurations checks / setup and increases the risc of issues on both sandboxes and prod.

Our idea is: Proactive Quality Updates should be focused on important bug fixes, and may not activate automatically any new / existing features (which in turn should be done by regular PU updates only)

Deactivating of features in the frame of Proactive Quality Updates may be done under some strong reasons.

Please check and make corresponding implementation!

Thank's in advance!




I fully agree. It is understandable and needed that features are enabled when an new version is installed, but not for proactive quality updates. Customers have a possibility to decide when exactly new version will be installed and if there are some concerns about the new feature which is automatically enabled - it can be postponed if needed. With proactive quality updates it is not the case. So those should not change anything else as fix bugs.

Category: Lifecycle Services