1. In e-commerce web site add an item to cart

2. Click on checkout

3. Make payment with Adyen test cards

4. Authorization should be successful

6. Run P job and synchronize order from "Online store transactions" form and create sales order

7. Find your sales order, click on "Sales order" tab and "Payments"

8. Check that payment is authorized

9. Go to online store page and delete "Service account id" field value from payment connector. Doing this to break payment cancellation and create an error

10. Open "customer service" form and find your customer and show his sales orders. Find your order

11. In "Options" click on "Cancel order"

12. When cancellation is successful in D365 check for payments again.

Expected Result: User must see an error about payment cancellation is not successful and cancelling order shouldn't be done.

Existing Result: User sees the error but sales order can be canceled. After fixing parameters in payment connector I could void payment but this is not enough because user can forgive voiding manually.

If this needs to be done manually we can make it by parameter

Category: Call Center app
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