With AL Language v13.0.964488 the decision was made to change the existing behaviour of the Find Event functionality to insert the procedure as "Object Name_EventName" with the quotes and spaces. The previous behaviour was to insert them with just the event name. The new behaviour introduces spaces and quotes into a procedure name, which while allowed in the AL language, is generally not considered best practise.

What I propose here is that a simple configuration option is added so that teams can decide what their standard of naming should be. A very simple text field with which you can set the naming, like so:

"al.FindEventName": "\"_\""

The above would represent the current naming everyone was switched to, so it could be added to everyone's config as the default.

This could then allow additional options such as , , .

So some possible configuration that could be made:

Handle -> HandleOnBeforeRun

"Handle " -> "Handle OnBeforeRun"

_ -> WhsePostShipment_OnBeforeRun

-> TabSalesHeaderOnBeforeModify

And so on.

Category: Development




Category: Development


"al.FindEventName": "al.FindEventName": "\"%ObjectName%_%EventName%\""

Category: Development


Awesome! This site stripped everything important from this suggestion, so now I will use this reply as a sandbox. Lesson learned, don't trust Microsoft Ideas to work."al.FindEventName": "al.FindEventName": "\"\_\\""

Category: Development