Many customers wants to control their purchases using an approval workflow. These controls are required whatever the delivery type means: either receive goods in own stock or by delivery directly the customer. today in D365 F&Ops, change management can be used to trig workflow approval for PO ONLY if this PO is not created as direct delivery. the same way of work is observed for intercompany purchase orders. in that case you are blocked to create the PO and to workaround, you need to activate setup "Override settings per vendor". if you do that, PO can be created but workflow approval is disabled. This way of work can make sense in case of intercompany as this is the same company group but it is senseless in case of a PO for a another vendor. it means you can bypass approval controls just by changing the delivrey type. Idea would be to adapt standard to allow usage of change management whatever the delivery type. Workflow approval for PO would be more consistent. as example: maybe create a setup to select all fields that if they are modified on SO then they will trig a "request change" on PO and force user to submit again. if modified field is not part of this list then accept the change without new submission

Under Review
Ideas Administrator

Appreciate you taking the time to submit the product suggestion. We will monitor the votes and other feedback to consider in future backlog.
Lachlan Cash – Principal Program Manager - Microsoft



This functionality not being standard is very surprising. Procurement approval for third party direct delivery vendors is instrumental.

Category: Procurement and Sourcing


i like to know if this has been enhanced ?With alot comments here agreeing P\O work flow must still be in place from direct delivery

Category: Procurement and Sourcing


It should have been implemented years ago!

Category: Procurement and Sourcing


I realize this idea doesn't have much recent activity, but it is still a significant issue for companies with formal delegation of authority rules for expenditure approvals. I tried the problem scenario with the “Allow override of settings per purchase order” setting set to yes on the vendor record. The result seemed to be the same as if I had simply turned off change management for that vendor. F&O created the Direct PO in approved status. There is no workaround for this and you can't even create an enhancement for it since F&O won't allow the Sales Order to be saved if a line is set to Direct delivery. There is no way to send a PO through workflow and then go back and find the S.O. line that the user wanted to be Direct b/c F&O won't even save the S.O. form with a Direct Line.

Category: Procurement and Sourcing


Why is this so old

Category: Procurement and Sourcing


This is a serious gap in the base product.Please implement this, as it would provide much greater control for end users.

Category: Procurement and Sourcing


HSO are currently implementing D365 for a customer that deals largely in direct deliveries. The lack of workflow for direct deliveries is a large gap in the standard system, sales orders are modified frequently by the sales team but there is no way of notifying or seeking approval from the purchasing teams who are affected by this. Either workflow should be enabled on direct delivery purchase orders or a workflow needs to be created for sales orders to allow for better control over the modification of orders in a direct delivery chain.

Category: Procurement and Sourcing


This a really needed feature, as huge customer has procurement compliance rules that require approval of all PO's without exception. Having it not means high effort to run procurement process without the advantages for direct delivery processing.

Category: Procurement and Sourcing


This a really needed feature, as huge customer has procurmement compliance rules that require approval of all PO's without exception. Having it not means high effort to run procurement process without the advantages for direct delivery processing.

Category: Procurement and Sourcing


MS Team,We need this functionality as part of control. Every PO need to go through Workflow based on the LOAsPlease consider

Category: Procurement and Sourcing

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