Recurring jobs in the data management leaves lot of unwanted data in the staging tables. There is only manual way of cleaning up the staging data by selecting either the entity or the data project. There is no way that it can be scheduled as a batch. This task becomes important when there are recurring jobs and unwanted data in the staging slows down the process.

A new batch job for staging cleanup with below options would be great.
1. Enable on selective entities
2. Delete data based on beyond date
Category: Data Management
Ideas Administrator

The job history clean up is a new feature in PU29. Pls try that out and let us know your feedback on this functionality.




Batch job history cleanup job only deletes the records of Batch job and history table records. It is not for DMF staging cleanup

Category: Data Management



I have created a periodic function for this problem. It helps to clean up periodically records from stage table which are older then defined in filtering parameter.
Please have a look on following repository where you can find both the source code and the deployable package:

Feel free to use it and I hope it helps.

Category: Data Management


We have 30-40 bathes running plus now talent live in system we run CDS batches very often and we cannot control 'skip staging' option because these are automated batches, cleanup batch will be really helpful and improve performance of CDS batches specially

Category: Data Management


We have integration jobs that run every few minutes. The ability to schedule auto cleanup similar to the batch history functionality would be very useful.

Category: Data Management