We recently switched to Field Service Unified Interface from Field One Sky, one of the things we are struggling with is the filtering capability on the views. In Field One, there was an option to do a custom filter that would pop up a screen that resembled the advanced find. However, in Field Service it gives you only two options to filter on, and the values do not include contains data or doesn't contain data. This is causing a lot of frustration with our managers.

Category: General
Needs Votes
Ideas Administrator

Hi Leah,
Could you perhaps include screenshots to illustrate the issue? As shown in the below screenshot, I’m indeed able to see filters based on the data in the view. Also please feel free to utilize the Field Service community forum to discuss with fellow community members: https://community.dynamics.com/365/fieldservice/f/dynamics-365-for-field-service-forum

Girish Raja,
PM, Microsoft.