I though Packing slip should be a common used report. Especially, now more of our customer's covert from GP. In GP, Packing slip is a default report. We have to develop a packing slip in BC for our customers. Or ask them to export BC data to Excel and make it manually. Or print more copy of Picking, use it as alternative report as Packing.
Category: General
Apparently the packing slip is the Sales Shipment -report (printed from posted sales shipment)? And hopefully I understood your idea correctly.
From from posted sales invoice, you can seek "Item Shipment Lines" on the Lines -fastab: Line --> Item Shipment Lines. From there you find the right posted sales shipment.
Or if the sales invoice is posted from sales order, you will find "Order No." from posted sales order. This can be used as a filtering criteria in the posted sales shipments list. Thus the relevant shipments will be found.
Category: General
Business Central Team (administrator)
Thank you for your feedback. Currently this is not in our roadmap; however, we are tracking it and if we get more feedback and votes, we may consider it in the future. Sincerely, Ivan Koletic PM, Microsoft