A fillable hologram text box…similar to a cloud bubble with dialog that you see in comics. Doesn't need a lot of text room but being able to provide some text (think twitter 256 in lengths) near a location on a big piece of machinery is helpful.

Category: General
Under Review



Hi Ken,

I second that hologram speech balloons would be a fantastic addition to the 3D Toolkit.

I searched for and found your idea; I also want to add Text Bubble anchored to the space, outside of the regular Step Card.

This idea is very similar to the one found here: https://experience.dynamics.com/ideas/idea/?ideaid=f8b08f0a-caea-e911-b862-0003ff68a102

For now it may be possible to generate a 3D object that contains text which we can position in the scene, but that uses a lot of polygons to accomplish this.

Category: General