With the increasing use of the Assets Leasing Module in D365F&O, as MS Partner, we are also receiving frequent enquires & requests from clients in developing reports that meets the requirement for IFRS16 Asset Leasing on Disclosure and Presentation.
Aware that D365FO has standard reports yet they are column-based while requirement by IFRS16 and clients are row-based, which failed to meet client’s expectation on Assets Leasing Model and requirements of IFRS16. Beside the forementioned, there are also disclosure requirement on Cashflow and others in IFRS16 which current D365F&O standard reports are lacking.
In view of this, highly appreciated that MS will put thoughts and R&D resources in developing those reports in reference to IFRS16 audit report sample set out by worldwide audit firms.
Look forward that a roadmap will be announced shortly.
Thank you.