
We are more and more using the Warehouse Advance Management into the Purchase order process.
What does it mean ? Receipt process is done in two different steps : first register using mobile device, second receipt using "product receipt" button.

How to easily follow the process ? Where are we ? How can I see if I need to raise someone if first step is done but the second one not in time ? ...

In most of projects, we have to customize something somewhere to allow the end user to have a clear and easy overview of the process.
For now, basically we can only use to main forms :
- Line quantity from PO header (PO per PO)
- Post product receipt filtering on Registered quantity (indirect way to view what have been received and quantities)

So, can't we think about different big changes to improve the standard user experience ?
1/ Add a new PurchStatus value (PO header / PurchTable) = Registered
2/ Add a new PurchStatus value (PO line / PurchLine) = Registered
3/ Update forms with "Registered quantity" :
a) Backorder purchase lines
b) Delayed receipts
4/ Based on points 1 & 2, add new forms about "Registered purchase order lines"
At the end, customer always requires for a form to display : PO numbers, Vendor accounts, item numbers, ordered quantity, registered quantity, received quantity, "Register remainder" + "Receipt remainder"; actually data we've got using the "Line quantity" from PO header but out of the PO itself.


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