The new feature network connection alerts (pop-up) found in Warehouse Management App 2.0.17 has a troublesome behavior of displaying each time the device loses network connection.
In most cases, this portable device network is achieved via a WiFi connection. If you can imagine, the network WiFi signal going in and out for just a few seconds as the WiFi device radio moves into and out of range deep within certain many warehouses, the disconnect/connect notification is quite distracting and causes many unnecessary helpdesk requests / incident cases. It's not uncommon for a device to struggle with switching to different WiFi access points or to lose cell signal for a few seconds.
Additional supporting features:
- 1) We need a way to set the threshold of this feature such that it can be set to a) never or b) seconds with a range of 0 to 120.
- This should be set per warehouse if possible and be overridden with a specific user setting.
- The network threshold settings should be reportable and exportable to Excel for a system wide analysis of settings.
- The network connection log should be easily accessible and exportable to Excel with stats for each device.
Please vote for this idea as soon as possible.