A client would prefer that a user be given the opportunity to choose whether or not to "roll down" newly created Dimension Values to the Allow Values Filter for Accounts when creating new Dimension Values instead of it happening automatically.
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Customer has Allowed Values Filter set in Default Dimensions to >000. User adds a Dimension value of 478. The Allowed Values Filter changes from >000 to 065..477|479..990. This change is automatic for hundreds of G/L Accounts. The user cannot be expected to update the Default Dimensions for each Account every time a Dimension Value. The interesting thing is 477 isn't even a Dimension Value.478 is greater that 000 so there should be no change to the Allowed Values Filter. I agree that there should be a control to manually update Allowed Values Filter.

Category: Financial Management


Agreed, the current automatic addition of allowances seems risky - not to mention brittle, as I can't fathom what kind of logic it's using to decide how to update the Allowed Value Filters when a new Dimension Value is inserted, but it doesn't look particularly intuitive or stable...

Category: Financial Management