Possibility to export full customized Workspace and import it into another environment.

At the moment only saved views are possible to export/import but afterwards there is still a lot of time necessary to set up full Workspace again




To Ensure that all employes have access to the same information and the same way, it would be better to be able to personalise the work space company wide and push it at large. For go live and also n order to ensure that all new employes have the smae view the othrs have without having to go trouh a list of manipulation before start...

Category: System administration


The customer relies heavily on workspaces being designed for a specific role and sharing this between users within the roles. This is to improve the efficiency of the business and enhance the user experience.

This limitation causes additional work to the users.

It would be great to have this functionality introduced to enhance the personalisations and sharing of workspaces

Category: System administration


The views and personalisations cause a great many problems on a regular basis so any opportunity to make these more consistently able to be managed - particularly during an upgrade process would be very much appreciated.

Category: System administration