Neither the "Purchase order item receiving" nor the "Purchase order line receiving" Work creation processes allow users the ability to see all the line numbers for a particular item on a Purchase Order. The "Purchase order line receiving" forces users to blindly scan/enter a line number without displaying any of the line numbers available for receipt. The "Purchase order item receiving" defaults to the first line number available to receive for an item without allowing the line number to be changed by the user.

Thus, it would be great for either of these Work creation processes to show users a list of what line numbers are available to be received and allow these line numbers to be selected. The "Purchase order line receiving" Work creation process could allow for either the line number to be scanned/entered or selected from a list. The "Purchase order item receiving" Work creation process could allow for the line number (that defaults in) to be changed to a different line number using a similar list.
Needs Votes



Must Have!

Category: Warehouse Management


Would be a helpful feature

Category: Warehouse Management


We needed to customize this in AX2012 and are now working on the same customization in D365FO.

Category: Warehouse Management


Same goes for the warehouse mobile app showing remaining qty on a line/PO waiting to be received/registered. We shouldn't have to run a PO Receipt report to see what's remaining.

Category: Warehouse Management