Please consider recording all credit card transactions whether cash and carry or customer order in the credit card history table. This will aide the finance teams who could use this data to help reconcile to the Adyen credit card reports.

Currently Cash and Carry transactions and related sales orders get created from a Retail Statement. This means that there will not be a record in CreditCardCustTrans. For Customer orders created in POS, when there is a Shipment in HQ or a later Pickup, there is a authorization and later shipment, so these type of transactions will create a record in the CreditCardCustTrans.

Currently a custom grid would have to be developed to surface credit card data from the RetailTransactionPaymentTrans table to get all credit card transactions. At a minimum develop a grid to allow finance access to the details in the payment trans table.

Needs Votes
Ideas Administrator

Thank you for submitting. We are continuing to track for prioritization.