The current page load time for segment definition/builder, segment members, Insights are quite slow. This is distracting the focus of the user.
This isn't really the page load time in general but specifically the load time of the components either showing the definition or the actual members of the segment. It can sometimes time 30s to load even though the rest of the page is already loaded, There is no indication it is retrieving data from another service (a massive UI faux pas) and hence users think it's broken. If it is going to take time at least provide a message or spinning circle to show it's loading something.
Category: Segmentation
Thank you so much for the feedback. We released the first of a number of performance fixes to this in the August update and have several more planned over the next several monthly updates. Please keep us apprised as to your interactions with these improvements.
Category: Segmentation
Agreed. These pages are super slow. Customers/prospects say something about it EVERY time.
Category: Segmentation
Christian Abeln (MDCC) (administrator) on 6/4/2019 4:52:16 PM
Thank you for your feedback.
We released further enhancements as part of the functionality in Spring 2019 release. With the introduction and migration of the new marketing analytical backend the performance for many user experiences has dramatically improved. We will deliver further enhancement, like an upcoming face lift for segmentation design experience which will bring further performance and usability enhancements.
Stay tuned!
Christian Abeln, PM,