Hi Team,

On the Customer card and Vendor card, we only have the Balance (LCY) and Balance Due (LCY) fields now. We could use the "design" feature to add Balance and Balance Due in Sandbox environment, but we wish they can be shown by default.

Please kindly add the Balance (for foreign currencies) and Balance Due (for foreign currencies) on the Customer card and Vendor card by default. It will be more convenient for foreign customers and vendors.

Ideas Administrator

I get the idea, but the reason for not showing these fields is that this wouldn't work for customers having ledger entries in more than one currency
What would the Balance show if you have an outstanding for 1000EUR and 1000CAD? - only the Balance(LCY) makes sense.

With the new Analysis Mode Analyze, group, and pivot data on queries using multiple tabs | Microsoft Learn you can get what you want:
Select Ledger entries for a Customer
Turn on Analysis Mode
create a view that show Balance and group by Currency Code


We hope to add capabilities to add a link to an analysis view in a future release - so you wouldn't have to open the CLE page, turn on AV and then select the right view.

Best regards,