We would like to see Commerce orders be supported by Credit Management as there has been a few customer asks for this.

Commerce orders does not support Credit Management and Credit Management Blocking Rules. This should not block the Customer Credit Limit Check.

Below is the documentation and section of the document advising that Commerce is not supported:


A bug (572582) was created because Commerce orders were not bypassing the Credit Management Blocking Rules and we were seeing errors when posting Commerce Statements (error:  While processing aggregation state Sales order is invoiced for this aggregation. transaction state Customer order invoiced, the invoice ID was empty after invoicing for this aggregation XXXXX) and Dead Lock errors as an example. 

This fix was implemented in 10.0.22.  After upgrades to 10.0.22, Class RetailCreditManExcludesSalesOrderToggle sets SalesTable.CreditManExcludeSalesOrder to "Yes" for Commerce orders (Point of Sale, Online and Call Center).

Free text invoices, orders, and project invoice support in Credit management

Credit management can only be used currently for sales orders. Free text invoices, point of sales orders and call center orders will use the temporary credit limits and insurance/guarantees that you add to adjust the credit limit. They will not use the blocking rules and they will not be placed in the hold list if there is an issue with the credit limit.

There is no support for project invoices in credit management.

We have seen customers who have added the Exclude from credit management flag to the Sales order form and set the flag to "No". The ask was to have a parameter that will turn this toggle off.

After investigating the feature and the customer scenarios, having this feature enabled should not be blocking the customer credit limit check. The bug was intended to disable advanced credit management for Commerce orders.

Disabling the feature will create more problems than fix for other scenarios such as the one in the bug.

See ideas asking for a parameter to turn the toggle off



Ideas Administrator

This is duplicate of the below ideas. So please use the first idea mentioned below for further updates:

https://experience.dynamics.com/ideas/idea/?ideaid=39582223-4378-ec11-b820-0003ff45920b  --- This idea will be updated with the recent updates
