Business process required to have approval from multiple level of management,

Set up as below on D365:

Position Hierarchy: A > B > C > D > E

Signing limit for each level of management:

  • Greater 1000 required approval from: B only. 
  • Greater than 10.000 required approval from: B and C.
  • Greater than 50.000 required approval from: B, C and D.
  • Greater than 250.000 and so on required approval from: B, C, D and E.


Scenario 1: A submit PO with amount 55.000 required final approval from D

  • Actual result on D365: A submit > B time out > escalate to D > D approve > route to C > C time out > D approve > final route to D for final approval
  • Expectation: A submit > B time out > escalate to C > if C time out then auto reject - if C approve > route to D for final approval


Scenario 2: A submit PO with amount 300.000 required final approval from E

  • Actual result on D365: A submit > B time out > escalate to E > E approve > route to C > C time out > escalate to E > E approve > route to D > D time out > escalate to E > E approve > route to E for final approval. 
  • Expectation: A submit > B time out > escalate to C > if C time out then auto reject - if C approve > route to D > if D time out then auto reject - if D approve > route to E for final approval.

From the actual result, we can see that the person with signing limit privilege have to approve the same PO multiple time, since the workflow always route to that person based on the signing limit, we would like to seek for development that workflow escalation path will escalate the workflow based on the position hierarchy that set up.
