The Work Description Field is a very useful addition, but it is very difficult to manage if there is a large amount of text in it. Can we have a capability to "Focus" on the Work Description similar to the facility to Focus on the Order Lines
Category: General
Needs Votes
Ideas Administrator

Thank you for your feedback. Currently this is not in our roadmap; however, we are tracking it and if we get more feedback and votes, we may consider it in the future. Sincerely, Business Central Team



I agree with Steve's point, as takes too long to edit the text layout when viewing the printout as the page breaks right in the middle of a paragraph. Having to work between this to move the text is not efficient. Shame, as in general Dynamics is efficient and a powerful tool.

Category: General


I would vote for a decent 'Comments Editor' instead.
Check https://experience.dynamics.com/ideas/idea/?ideaid=807933d9-2ece-e811-b96f-0003ff68dcb7#idea-comments

Category: General