Hi all,

Entity: Bookable Resource Booking

Sometimes we get the error message "The start time can't be later than the actual arrival time."

What you have to know:

  • Booking Status: "Traveling" updates the field "Start Time"
  • Booking Status: "In Progress" updates the field "Actual Arrival Time"

Why do we get this error message?

Normal Process (Scheduled -> Traveling -> In Progress -> Traveling -> Completed)

The technician sets the booking status from scheduled -> traveling -> in progress -> traveling -> completed)

With the first "Traveling" the field "Start Time" will be updated.

With the status "In Progress" the field "Actual Arrival Time" will be updated

--> The start time is earlier than the actual arrival time

--> In this case, we do not get an error.

Special Case (Scheduled -> In Progress -> Traveling -> Completed)

We want to use a special process, because of our business.

The technician sets the booking status from "scheduled" -> in progress -> traveling -> competed

With the status "In Progress" the field "Actual Arrival Time" will be updated.

With the status "Traveling" the filed "Start Time" will be updated.

But in this case the first Travel status is after the "In Progress" status.

--> The start time is later than the actual arrival time

--> In this case, we get an error

Possible Solution

The system should check, when the technician sets the booking status "In Progress" if there is already a "traveling" booking status.

  • If yes -> Just update the field "Actual Arriaval Time"
  • If no -> Update the field "Start Time" and "Actual Arrival Time"

The system should check, when the technician sets the booking status "Traveling" if there is already a "In Progress" booking status

  • If yes -> Nothing shoud be updated
  • This "Traveling" status is after the "In Progress Status" --> "Start Time" was already updated
  • If no -> Update the field "Start Time"

Category: Field Service