It is currently possible to �mark complete� an Outlook task which is linked through to crm (i.e has the view in crm link available) which then completes the crm task even though there are custom �business required� crm fields that remain blank




This seems like a bug. Please go through the proper support channels to get this higlighted and fixed.

Category: Microsoft Office Integration


Until this is fixed, it seems like a training issue (like it was for me). In other words, don't make /Outlook/ tasks, make /CRM/ tasks within /Outlook/. http://social.microsoft.com/Forums/en-US/crm/thread/1514a10f-ae63-45b3-9bae-21c72c6e02f2

Category: Microsoft Office Integration


We use workflows to generate the tasks and they don't automatically appear as 'CRM tasks' within Outlook. To say that this is a training issue seems to ignore the fact that most users are just trying to get their job done asap and I think rightly expect the product to enforce the desired business logic and not leave it up to the user 'to get it right'. And yes we do use tasks to reactivate the incorrectly closed tasks but it is messy and IMHO unprofessional.... Disappointing response Microsoft!

Category: Microsoft Office Integration


Until this is fixed, it seems like a training issue (like it was for me). In other words, don't make /Outlook/ tasks, make /CRM/ tasks within /Outlook/. http://social.microsoft.com/Forums/en-US/crm/thread/1514a10f-ae63-45b3-9bae-21c72c6e02f2

Category: Microsoft Office Integration


We use workflows to generate the tasks and they don't automatically appear as 'CRM tasks' within Outlook. To say that this is a training issue seems to ignore the fact that most users are just trying to get their job done asap and I think rightly expect the product to enforce the desired business logic and not leave it up to the user 'to get it right'. And yes we do use tasks to reactivate the incorrectly closed tasks but it is messy and IMHO unprofessional.... Disappointing response Microsoft!

Category: Microsoft Office Integration