Windows client provided support to build 'dynamic' pages using collapsing tree views. Collapsing / expanding tree nodes was userfriendly, since it limits the information shown when loading the page and allows to user to decide on what node / level information was needed. However, since the move to the Webclient, collapsable tree views seem no longer supported, since the ShowAsTree and IndentationControls properties behave differently. https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/dynamics-nav/feature-limitations-of-the-microsoft-dynamics-nav-web-client Please re-enable collapsable / multi-level tree list support in the Modern client. Preferably with extended with the option to collapse / expand per level (1 / 2 / 3 / ...). Cfr. the experience Azure DevOps offers in their Backlog overview to show work items with/without childs.

Category: Development
Ideas Administrator

Good news! We released this feature as part of 2020 Release Wave 1.

Please refer to the following link for more information:

Best regards,
Mike Borg Cardona
Program Manager, Microsoft



This is a key UI construct, it makes screens like the Item Availability by event screen almost unusable without it.

Category: Development


It would be more intuitive if we would have the 'icon' ('>' or '+/-' ) in front of a line that can be expanded / collapsed.

In addition, please provide support to show level 1 only ( configurable) by default and let the user expand on demand.

Category: Development