It seems that you cannot split PO lines of an intercompany order when you create a voyage in the Landed Cost module (D365 F&O). This makes this module unworkable as most of our supply comes in via intercompany PO.

I cannot find the logic in not allowing a partial shipment. Not all PO's are supplied in full at the same time, this goes for intercompany PO's as well. Suggest to ensure that you can split intercompany PO lines, similar as to non-intercompany PO lines.


"Voyage creatorCan not split line number 3 of purchase order PO-XXXX because it is an intercompany order. Please create voyage for the full quantity."

The error occurs when purchase order lines are added to a voyage, but the quantity is less than the PO line. For example, the PO line was for 75pc, in the voyage/shipment there are only 25 loaded (50pc will come later). The line cannot be added with a partial quantity.

Ideas Administrator

Thank you for your feedback. We are not considering the suggestion at this time due to the following reason: 

  • Landed Cost uses delivery schedule logic to split purchase order (none intercompany PO) lines when create/update shipping containers.
  • Delivery schedule function does not supported in the intercompany scenario with below reasons:
    • When IC SO line is being processed, at this stage you cannot cancel Qty or remove the IC PO line or any other actions that can cause Qty mismatch. You have to proceed with the processing of the IC PO exactly in the same way it was processed for SO. Since IC SO and PO are highly coupled together, system always make sure that it matches 1:1. 
    • When you try to use Delivery schedule on the PO, the system tries to cancel the initial purchase line and create new purchase lines. When cancelling the initial purchase line, the system tries to sync changes with SO and tries to do the same on IC SO, but since IC SO has been processed you cannot do so. If  system allow that, IC PO and IC SO will not be longer in sync and financial discrepancies will be encounter later on.


Roger Sa

PM, Microsoft



I agree with Dennis and disagree Roger from MS. This has always been working in AX2012 when Landed Cost was still an ISV solution before being acquired by MS.

Category: Transportation Management


I have to disagree with Roger Sa's answer : when you have a IC SO / IC PO and you make a partial delivery on that IC SO the system does not make sure it matches 1:1 as that would exactly require creating a delivery schedule (automatically) on the IC PO. The system unfortunately does not automatically create a delivery schedule for the IC PO lines as it should.

The result is that whenever a partial delivery is done on a IC SO that the linked IC PO line CANNOT be included in a landed cost voyage. This is unacceptable and makes the entire landed cost solution unusable.

If it is a problem to create the delivery schedule on the IC PO (as this cancels the original PO line and creates new lines), then why not allow the system to have partial deliveries on the purchase order line when including the lines in a voyage ? Why does the quantity on the voyage line needs to match the ordered quantity if that is NOT the quantity that was shipped/invoiced on the IC sales line ? It may make sense to you from a programming/system point of view, but it certainly doesn't from a business point of view.

so please review your answer and help in providing a solution.

best regards, Dennis

Category: Transportation Management