Reference :
*** [REPRO STEPS] ***
Tested In “GBSI” Legal entity
1.Go to Accounts Receivable>> Customers >> All customers
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create 4 customers as Test 01, Test02, Test03, Test04.
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2.Project management accounting>> Projects >> Project contracts
Create Project contract as Test
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Funding source as Test01 with GBP currency.
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In Funding source need to select all created customers
In Funding Rules select Allocation and in Funding rule allocations select
Test01-40 check box selected, Test02-20, Test03-20, Test04-20
3.Go to Project management and accounting>> Projects>>All Projects
Create a Project as Test and customer account as Test01,start date as 1st October.
Select the Project ID and keep the project in process stage.
4.Project management>>Setup>>Timesheets>>All delegates
Click New and select Resource and delegate as Admin start date as 1st oct2024.
5.Project management accounting>>Time sheets >>all Time sheets
Select the line
Need to give for 2hours for 5days total 10hours from 7th oct to 11th oct.
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submit workflow .
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6.Accounts receivable >>customers >>All customers
select Test 01
under credit and collections need to drop down and select invoice.
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7.Project management and accounting>>Projects>> Allprojects
select the project and select Manage and click on Invoice Proposal
select all we can see project transactions as 2hours for 5days.
we can see 3 MIP are created for Test02,Test03,Test04
Open Test02
invoice proposal transaction lines able to see one line with invoice line 140 and In Hour lines we can see only one line with 2 hours and Line amount as 140
Open Test03
we can see invoice proposal transaction we can see only one line with invoice line 140 and In Hour line 2hours with Invoice line amount 140.
Open Test04
Invoice proposal line we can see one line amount as 1820 but in Hours Multiple lines are created with different invoice amount and Hours compared to Test 02 and Test03 customers.
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Actual Result: We can see for Test04 customer has multiple Hour lines are created when we had given allocation percentage for Test 02-20,Test03-20,Test04-20.
Expected Result: When in allocation Rules had given equal percentage to Test02-20, Test03-20, Test04-20, customers It should show equal hours and Invoice line amount for All customers