App-Dependecies should get an additional parameter for a source. When updating the app to a new version, the symbols should be loaded automatically from this source without a sandbox or a ServieTier having to install the new version of the app. The source could be e.g. a URL to the AppSource. The different versions of the app should already be there.

Currently, it is time-consuming to update dependencies to AppSource apps during a major update and to retrieve the current symbols for them.
Category: Development
Needs Votes
Ideas Administrator

Thank you for this suggestion! Currently this is not on our roadmap. We are tracking this idea and if it gathers more votes and comments we will consider it in the future.

Best regards,
Business Central Team



@Michael Platl You're right. It's the same problem we're trying to solve here.
With the difference that in one case it is about AppSource Apps and in the other about own not published extensions.
The solution you suggested wouldn't go far enough for me, because I don't want to download the app file somewhere to put it in another directory. Instead, I want something that goes towards the Docker hub.

Category: Development


Something like my suggestion.
Would it be possible for you to just define the dependencies in some json?
My plan is to define dependencies in a bower.json, do a bower install and in this step set the app dependencies in the app.json too. So you can develop against symbols which are not in the sandbox/container.

Category: Development