Navigating to:

Data Management workspace > Import tile > +Add file button

This dialog is set up such that the left column has options to choose your source file or spreadsheet, while the right column has you specify which data entity it will be importing to.

The problem with this is that Dynamics won't let you upload a file unless you have already specified the data entity to which it belongs, so the dialog has to be executed right-to-left, i.e. (+Add file button, right to the Entity Name drop down, down to the source data format dropdown, then back left to the Upload and add button). So in essence you're zig-zagging all over the place)

It is counter-intuitive to have dependent controls positioned to the left-hand side of the needed control. The dialog should be redesigned to where you specific the entity first (i.e. have that on the left hand side), and then the upload and add button to the right of that.

Category: Data Management
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