Hi Microsoft product team,
A client of ours needs the schedule board to be automatically refreshed upon closure of bookable resource booking.
Say, user clicks on an existing bookable resource booking on the schedule board, the form opens up and the user changes some data and clicks on save & close.
Client would prefer the schedule board to immediately reflect the changes performed by the user on bookable resource booking form.
The autorefresh functionality has some issues, it isn't working correctly in some instances but even if it did, there would be two limitations/issues :
- As far as i know, autorefresh would be applied only if starttime, endtime or resource has been updated in any of the bookable resource bookings, hence if the user changes some other fields it wouldn't work (even when the changed fields are present in the cell on schedule board)
- Decreasing autorefresh interval seconds (msdyn_scheduleboardrefreshintervalseconds) to reflet changes in less time, would cause performance issues (much usage of API to query changes)
So, we would highly recommend that Microsoft introduces a configurable option, maybe a boolean field on the entity msdyn_schedulingparameter, which when set to true would cause the schedule board to auto refresh on save & close of bookable resource booking form.
Thank you in advance,