In the Credit and collections>Collections>Aged Balances screen, the User is able to personalise the Grid and add the standard D365 Column Overdue amount.
The expectations of this Column is to show a calculated figure of the customer overdue amount. On the Users screen, there are the below columns:
- Customer name
- Customer account
- Total credit limit
- Amount due balance
- Not due yet
- Due today
- 30 (days overdue)
- 60 (days overdue)
- 90 (days overdue)
- 90+ (days overdue)
The Overdue Amount column should contain a total figure of the figures in the 30,60,90,90+ columns - however, it shows the same figure that appears in the Amount due balance column.
The Amount due balance column is different to the Overdue amount column.
Issue was raised via LCS to Microsoft. Microsoft's internal product engineering team, have confirmed the issue is by design. The column Overdue amount is used when running the customer aging snapshot and the behaviour cannot be changed. The column was not labeled for what it is used for. Workaround = export the information and add a new calculated column to take the Actual due amount - the Current column. This would give the information required. Other option would be to create a customization to add this type of column.
Microsoft advised to raise an 'Idea' to get this reviewed and a decision on a fix determined by if this is also a requirement from other D365 Users/Customers.