I would be very useful to have preprocessor directives for the compiler (mainly #IF and #ENDIF I think) in the same way that Visual Studio / C# has it. (https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/dotnet/csharp/language-reference/preprocessor-directives/preprocessor-if)
That will make it very easy to compile the same extension with different functionality like .NET, File access etc. for OnPrem / Cloud or even include additional code that help debugging but is not in the release build
That will make it very easy to compile the same extension with different functionality like .NET, File access etc. for OnPrem / Cloud or even include additional code that help debugging but is not in the release build
Have been missing preprocessor functionality since i started with extension development in 2018.
With all the deprecation's & changes on every version it´s really needed.
#region/#endregion would be nice to be included also.
Category: Development
Business Central Team (administrator)
Best regards,
Business Central Team