When an over-receipt code is used on a warehouse receipt, the purchasing order is automaticly updated with the receipt quantity.

Althought after the warehouse receipt is posted, none of the information regarding the over-receipt is stored either on the posted warehouse receipt or the item ledger entries, value entries etc.

It would be helpful for reporting purposes very helpful if this information is availible in BC and that a standard report is availible. Mainly to inform an reach out to suppliers when they frequently overdeliver.

Needs Votes
Ideas Administrator

Thank you for this suggestion! Currently this is not on our roadmap. We are tracking this idea and if it gathers more votes and comments we will consider it in the future. Best regards, Business Central Team



Agreed. At minimum there should be a new non-editable field on the source and posted documents showing the original order quantity. Users can then use this for the basis of their own reporting. This should also be used as the quantity for copy document, not the amended quantity.

Category: Reports and Business Intelligence


Agreed. At minimum there should be a new non-editable field on the source and posted documents showing the original order quantity. Users can then use this for the basis of their own reporting. This should also be used as the quantity for copy document, not the amended quantity.

Category: Reports and Business Intelligence


+1 to add the Original Order Qty to SOP & POP docs and post though to the posted receipt/Shipment - we have an extension for this It aids correct qty on time reporting significantly

Category: Reports and Business Intelligence