Issue description:


Integration (Data projects/Source formats/Recurring data jobs) configuration is the key element for successful data exchange between the application’s. Configure once and move it across environments which reduces lot of manual effort and time for every environment changes/repointing, it also reduces possibility of mistakes due to manual intervention.


There are three important configuration objects from data management perspective are really crucial for successful integration/data exchange with external applications.


Form Name

Form Navigation


Source data formats

Dashboard -> Data management -> Configure data source (Tile)


Data projects

Dashboard -> Data management -> Data projects (Tab/Grid) -> Select any data project

A feature required to carry/move mapping, default values/Auto generate settings, Sequencing, Sample files etc. that are setup as part of it in the source system.

Recurring data jobs

Dashboard -> Data management -> Data projects (Tab/Grid) -> Select any data project -> Manage (Action pane) -> Manage recurring data jobs -> All data jobs for the data project.

A feature required to carry/move recurrence setup done on the batch jobs as part of recurring data job and authorization policy data that is setup as part of it in the source system.


Source data formats: This is simple and straight forward tables hence we can develop data entity’s to move this data.


Data projects: There is a Download button on the form that downloads the settings into a zip file. It also includes a shell of the Excel sheet (or XML). It stores the maps, sequencing, autogenerate settings, filters, etc. Open the Manifest.xml file in the attached zip. You will see what is stored.  It was updated in platform 7 and more was added in platform 11 for the new Copy into legal entity feature.

After you import or export, you can do a Download package from the execution summary page. That will export all of the sequences, etc plus the data that goes with it.


Recurring data jobs: There is no option or feature to move this data across environments which is a key gap/feature missing would add great value to customers and partners implementing D365FO.


Potential solution/design:


Recurring data jobs: This is really important from D365FO and Integrator (Ex: BizTalk) perspective, else both party’s will end up spending days just to create this jobs and update the GUID’s for every environment change/repointing, until all interfaces promoted to production. As Data projects and Recurring data jobs go hand in hand it would be great if the “Download” option can download Data projects and recurring data jobs which can be moved across environments.

Category: Data Management
Under Review
Ideas Administrator

We are looking into this feature ask. One approach could be to create data entities for these configuration which will then allow for easy import and exports which can also make it possible to make this available via OData to allow for more tighter configuration management. Thanks.






I have solved this already and works very well. Use logic apps to create a framework that moves configurations between environment using the DMF API. Tested and works very well. 

Category: Data Management


We are looking into this feature ask. One approach could be to create data entities for these configuration which will then allow for easy import and exports which can also make it possible to make this available via OData to allow for more tighter configuration management.

Category: Data Management


It will really help move such configuration quickly. We are using data management platform for recurring integration quite frequently.

Category: Data Management


D365O is very often part of an integrated IT landscape (e.g. using Biztalk or equal). In this architecture having this kind of solution for exchanging the integration configuration is essential.

Category: Data Management