

Can you use the "Assign organizations" functionality on the Roles that you assign to Users?


Has anyone just tried adding the warehouse field to the header by inserting the field?


Is there a status update on this? I have heard this requirement several times during my AX/D365 career.


Please kindly provide us with roadmap on future plans


Please be aware that it is required for an improvement in the cross-company limits as it is affecting the customer from improving their performance:It supports replication of fewer than one million total records per job. This total is calculated as the number of shared records × the number of shared companies. The limit is increased to two million records from the Platform Update for version 10.0.10.It supports replication for up to 100 companies per policy. The limit is increased to 300 companies from the Platform Update for version 10.0.10.


Oh yes, that's very important and it still hasn't been implemented in over a year now.


IDK about the specific page, but anywhere (everywhere!) BC might store an email address for automated sending should include options for Cc/Bcc recipients.From what I've seen, this was once an active feature that Microsoft actively removed from the product. Terrible decision.


I agree! It seems (especially for GL line receipts) quite restrictive if you need a full license to receive something that creates no financial entries. Unless there is a plan to create an accrual for a GL line on a PO.....


At the very least let us use all of the current colours with all of the style options e.g. be able to have a non-bold green, an italic green and a bold and italic green, rather than just the standard Favorable option of bold green.


Below you can find the link to the official Polish tax-service web-site https://www.podatki.gov.pl/e-sprawozdania-finansowe/ and here all technical information according this type of report (API description, Security Key Certificate, Logical structure of the report and other) https://www.podatki.gov.pl/e-sprawozdania-finansowe/pliki-do-pobraniaCreating an issuer into Alert Service is not useful, because it still no anyfeedback


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