[Numbers of digits held on DB] and [Numbers showing on form] is the same. Eg.) Set [Precision] to “5” and put “1.15” on form then “1.15000” is showing on the form. What we expect is setting [Precision] “5” and able to set the numbers of decimal places appear on the form. Eg.1) Input: 1.15 Numbers on the form: 1.15 Eg.2) Input: 1.11115 Numbers on the form: 1.11115 Eg.3) Input:1.15234 Numbers on the form: 1.15 If it is possible, numbers on DB is accurate and numbers on the form is easy to look at. This improves convenience for both administrators and user.

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It would really help if we could set the format of the field in forms and views differently from its precision in customizing. Similar to Excel where you can adjust the number of decimal places to e.g. show only two, but the user can enter more and all calculations are done on the more accurate value. It doesn't necessarily have to be customizable per field (which I would see business scenarios for as well), but maybe split between "precision" and "display precision" in the overall customizing of the decimal fields.

Category: Unified Experience: Search, navigation and performance


I am not 100% sure if this is the same scenario as my business needs but I think it is. We need to decide how many decimals that are shown on the form (for example 2 decimals on Currency fields for good readability) BUT in background pricing calculations use more decimals to be able to get accurate results.

Today number of decimals you define as visual on form is the same as number of decimals used in the background calculation which is causing decimal deviations with high numbers.

Category: Unified Experience: Search, navigation and performance