Need keep the company level -Unit price tolerance in the Accounts Payable parameter. Same as the “Purchase price total tolerance percent” & “Purchase price total tolerance”, system need keep a field “Unit Price Tolerance” in the Accounts Payable parameter to represent the company level tolerance. This field value should be synchronized with the line (condition: ALL (Item code) + ALL (Account Code)). The current poor design causes a big confuses for the user to understand and setup the “Unit price tolerance” and “Total price tolerance”.




Reproduce Steps:
1. Configure Invoice Matching parameter.
(Accounts Payable > Setup > Accounts Payable Parameters)
Invoice Validation
Enable invoice matching validation: Yes,
Post invoice with discrepancies: Require approval,
Automatically update invoice header status: Yes,
Invoice total matching
Match invoice totals: Yes,
Display invoice totals match icon: If greater than or less than tolerance,
Invoice total tolerance percentage: 5,
Price and quantity matching
Line matching policy: Three-way matching,
Allow matching policy override: Lower or higher than company policy,
Display unit price match icon: If greater than tolerance,
Match price total: Percentage and amount,
Purchase price total tolerance percent: 10,
Purchase price total tolerance: 1000,
Display price match icon: If greater than tolerance,
2. For a new company, a default line will be created in the Form “Price tolerances”.
(Accounts Payable > Invoice matching setup > Price tolerances)
The default line is :
Item code “ALL” + Account code “ALL” > Unit price tolerance : 0,
This value is default as ZERO.
3. Create a Purchase order with two lines, without any tax, discount and charge.
Line 1: Qty 50, Unit price $5,
Line 1: Qty 5, Unit price $100,
4. Post the Product Receipt,
5. Create a purchase invoice,
Example 1: If the first line price is $5, validation Pass,
Example 2: If the first line price is $5.01, validation Fail,
Example 3: If the first line price is $5.05, validation Fail,
Example 4: If the first line price is $5.50, validation Fail,
Example 5: If the first line price is $5.51, validation Fail,
Example 6: If the first line price is $6, validation Fail,
When the user configuring the Invoice Validation in the AP Parameter, may just consider Purchase Price Total tolerance only, and doesn’t realize also need to set the Unit Price tolerance in the Form “Price tolerances “ (STEP 2).

Category: Accounts Payable